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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.

Integer interdum vehicula tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque a massa et consectetur. Sed vitae lectus id ex porttitor tincidunt id nec nisi. Integer egestas neque a turpis scelerisque finibus a ac felis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi sed elementum felis, quis ultrices est. Quisque sollicitudin nibh vel luctus porttitor. Integer facilisis, ligula sed faucibus tincidunt, elit erat finibus sapien, eget volutpat risus metus in leo. Cras varius elit sed risus tempor accumsan. Etiam suscipit vitae odio id ullamcorper.

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    Lorem ipsum

    Seccion Dos

    Lorem ipsum

    --> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum. Integer interdum vehicula tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque a massa et consectetur. Sed vitae lectus id ex porttitor tincidunt id nec nisi. Integer egestas neque a turpis scelerisque finibus a ac felis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi sed elementum felis, quis ultrices est. Quisque sollicitudin nibh vel luctus porttitor. Integer facilisis, ligula sed faucibus tincidunt, elit erat finibus sapien, eget volutpat risus metus in leo. Cras varius elit sed risus tempor accumsan. Etiam suscipit vitae odio id ullamcorper. Curabitur vehicula lorem malesuada rhoncus vulputate. Maecenas pellentesque vehicula odio cursus sollicitudin. Nulla in mi a dui ultricies laoreet sed in quam. Nulla nec augue vitae sem mattis pulvinar. Nam faucibus nibh sed vehicula aliquam. Suspendisse quam tortor, convallis ac euismod blandit, auctor eu sem. Sed vitae dapibus lectus. Mauris tellus metus, porttitor tincidunt quam et, molestie imperdiet enim. In in tempus odio. Vivamus eu molestie nulla. Vivamus vel ex porttitor, iaculis risus vulputate, aliquet felis. Ut congue, arcu eget ultricies aliquam, massa velit molestie ante, quis elementum ipsum nunc non nulla. Aenean ut nisi ac eros hendrerit congue nec id nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce gravida suscipit finibus. Phasellus tincidunt pharetra diam, vitae ultrices odio porttitor vel. Curabitur interdum ultrices justo eget sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse interdum varius lobortis. Ut vitae purus eu arcu blandit convallis. Mauris condimentum tincidunt scelerisque. Sed turpis sem, mollis a magna efficitur, luctus malesuada nulla. Cras vitae libero sit amet justo condimentum sagittis eget a ex. Nulla quis odio et sapien tincidunt consectetur quis a arcu. Morbi rhoncus turpis sed magna aliquam, vel dictum nunc eleifend. Donec vitae sem quis mauris hendrerit volutpat vel eget urna. In sed congue tortor. Ut eu leo a ex fringilla bibendum.
    seccion tres


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.

    Lorem Ipsum

    dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.

    Lorem Ipsum

    dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitaesem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.

    seccion tactics

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.


    Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.
    -->Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum.


    Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis ante non velit eleifend hendrerit. Morbi eu sagittis quam, at dignissim lectus. Aliquam egestas lectus convallis risus porta rhoncus. Phasellus eros ante, ultrices id accumsan condimentum, dignissim eleifend orci. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ligula erat, dictum sed luctus in, pulvinar vitae sem. Donec sollicitudin condimentum elementum. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    The profiles using AELDARI and PSYKER keywords can be found in following Factions:

    Aeldari: Craftworlds, Harlequins, Ynnari.

    The AELDARI and PSYKER keywords are used in following datasheets:

    Strength from Death

    To the Ynnari, the life forces released by the newly dead are invigorating in the extreme, the souls of the fallen spurring a burst of activity.

    When a unit is destroyed, units from your army with this ability draw strength from death until the end of the turn.

    If a unit is drawing strength from death, that unit fights first in the Fight phase, even if it did not charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have an ability that allows them to fight first in the Fight phase, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.

    When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model that is drawing strength from death, and that made a charge move this turn or has another ability that allows it to fight first in the Fight phase, add 1 to the hit roll.
    Some models are noted as being a Character on their datasheet. These heroes, officers, prophets and warlords are powerful individuals that can have a great impact on the course of a battle. The swirling maelstrom of the battlefield can make it difficult to pick out such individuals as targets, however.

    An enemy CHARACTER with a Wounds characteristic of less than 10 can only be chosen as a target in the Shooting phase if it is both visible to the firing model and it is the closest enemy unit to the firing model. Ignore other enemy CHARACTERS with a Wounds characteristics of less than 10 when determining if the target is the closest enemy unit to the firing model.

    This means that if any other enemy units (other than other CHARACTERS with a Wounds characteristics of less than 10) are closer, whether they are visible or not, then the enemy CHARACTER cannot be targeted.
    Heroic Intervention
    After the enemy has completed all of their charge moves, any of your Characters that are within 3" of an enemy unit may perform a Heroic Intervention. Any that do so can move up to 3", so long as they end the move closer to the nearest enemy model.
    Charge move, charge roll
    After any Overwatch has been resolved, roll 2D6. Each model in the charging unit can move up to this number of inches – this is their charge distance this turn. The first model you move must finish within 1" of an enemy model from one of the target units. No models in the charging unit can move within 1" of an enemy unit that was not a target of its charge. If this is impossible, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Once you’ve moved all the models in the charging unit, choose another eligible unit and repeat the above procedure until all eligible units that you want to make charge moves have done so. No unit can be selected to charge more than once in each Charge phase.

    The HARLEQUINS and CHARACTER keywords are used in following Harlequins datasheets:

    Some models are noted as being a Psyker on their datasheet. Psykers can manifest their otherworldly abilities and attempt to deny enemy sorceries. The powers a psyker knows, and the number of powers they can attempt to manifest or deny each Psychic phase, are detailed on their datasheet.

    The <HAEMONCULUS COVEN> keyword is used in following Drukhari datasheets:

    • Wracks
    Dedicated Transport
    • Raider
    • Venom
    Heavy Support
    • Cronos
    • Talos
    • Reaper

    The YNNARI and PSYKER keywords are used in following Ynnari datasheets:

    • Yvraine
    Reclaim the Galaxy

    The Ynnari seek out places or relics of great power in the galaxy as a means to restore the power of the Aeldari, zealously driving off any who would seek to claim these in their place.

    A unit with this ability that is within range of an objective marker controls it even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the objective marker has a similar ability, then it is controlled by the player who has the most models within range as normal.
    Hit Roll
    Each time a model makes an attack, roll a dice. If the roll is equal to or greater than the attacking model’s Ballistic Skill characteristic, then it scores a hit with the weapon it is using. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. A roll of 1 always fails, irrespective of any modifiers that may apply.
    Morale Test

    Even the bravest heart may quail when the horrors of battle take their toll.

    In the Morale phase, starting with the player whose turn it is, players must take Morale tests for units from their army that have had models slain during the turn.

    To take a Morale test, roll a dice and add the number of models from the unit that have been slain this turn. If the result of the Morale test exceeds the highest Leadership characteristic in the unit, the test is failed. For each point that the test is failed by, one model in that unit must flee and is removed from play. You choose which models flee from the units you command.
    When you pick a unit to move in the Movement phase, you can declare that it will Advance. Roll a dice and add the result to the Move characteristics of all models in the unit for that Movement phase. A unit that Advances can’t shoot or charge later that turn.
    Wound Roll
    Is the Strength
    TWICE (or more)
    than the Toughness?
    Is the Strength
    than the Toughness?
    Is the Strength
    to the Toughness?
    Is the Strength
    than the Toughness?
    Is the Strength
    HALF (or less)
    than the Toughness?
    If an attack scores a hit, you will then need to roll another dice to see if the attack successfully wounds the target. The roll required is determined by comparing the attacking weapon’s Strength characteristic with the target’s Toughness characteristic, as shown on the table to the right:

    If the roll is less than the required number, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. A roll of 1 always fails, irrespective of any modifiers that may apply.
    Psychic Test
    A psyker can attempt to manifest a psychic power they know by taking a Psychic test. To do so, roll 2D6. If the total is equal to or greater than that power’s warp charge value, the power is successfully manifested. A psyker cannot attempt to manifest the same psychic power more than once in a turn.

    The YNNARI and INFANTRY keywords are used in following Ynnari datasheets:

    • Yvraine

    The YNNARI, INFANTRY and CHARACTER keywords are used in following Ynnari datasheets:

    • Yvraine
    Falling Back
    Units starting the Movement phase within 1" of an enemy unit can either remain stationary or Fall Back. If you choose to Fall Back, the unit must end its move more than 1" away from all enemy units. If a unit Falls Back, it cannot Advance (see below), or charge later that turn. A unit that Falls Back also cannot shoot later that turn unless it can Fly.
    Mortal Wounds
    Some attacks inflict mortal wounds – these are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury. Each mortal wound inflicts one point of damage on the target unit. Do not make a wound roll or saving throw (including invulnerable saves) against a mortal wound – just allocate it as you would any other wound and inflict damage to a model in the target unit as described above. Unlike normal attacks, excess damage from attacks that inflict mortal wounds is not lost. Instead keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.
    Units and Unit Coherency
    Models move and fight in units, made up of one or more models. A unit must be set up and finish any sort of move as a group, with every model within 2" horizontally, and 6" vertically, of at least one other model from their unit: this is called unit coherency. If anything causes a unit to become split up during a battle, it must re-establish its unit coherency the next time it moves.
    Invulnerable Saves
    Some models possess supernatural reflexes or are protected by force fields that grant them an invulnerable save. Each time a wound is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, you can choose to use either its normal Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use. If you use a model’s invulnerable save, it is never modified by a weapon’s Armour Penetration value.
    Pile In Move
    You may move each model in the unit up to 3" – this move can be in any direction so long as the model ends the move closer to the nearest enemy model.
    Melee Weapon
    Each time a model makes a close combat attack, it uses a melee weapon – the weapons a model is equipped with are described on its datasheet. In addition to their other weapons, all models are assumed to be equipped with a close combat weapon, which has the following profile:

    Close combat weaponMeleeMeleeUser01

    If a model has more than one melee weapon, choose which it will use before rolling the dice. If a model has more than one melee weapon and can make several close combat attacks, it can split its attacks between these weapons however you wish – declare how you will divide the attacks before any dice are rolled.

    Pistols are carried one-handed and can even be used in a melee to shoot at point-blank range. Many warriors carry one as a sidearm, alongside their primary weapon.

    A model can fire a Pistol even if there are enemy units within 1" of its own unit, but it must target the closest enemy unit. In such circumstances, the model can shoot its Pistol even if other friendly units are within 1" of the same enemy unit.

    Each time a model equipped with both a Pistol and another type of ranged weapon (e.g. a Pistol and a Rapid Fire weapon) shoots, it can either shoot with its Pistol(s) or with all of its other weapons. Choose which it will fire (Pistols or non-Pistols) before making hit rolls.

    Asu-var, the Sword of Silent Screams used in following datasheets:

    Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows used in following datasheets:

    • Yvraine

    Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls used in following datasheets:


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